Since the recession in 2008, the construction industry has been plagued by a shortage of skilled labor and many contractors struggle to staff large projects, forcing them to stretch the work over fewer people. The labor shortage in the construction industry is due in part to the lack of emphasis on the trades in high school. Most young adults are guided toward a traditional 4-year college education, rather than technical or trade schools. Many young people don’t even consider construction jobs as an option, or realize that they can make a great living in the industry.
Polk is facing this problem head on. In an effort to encourage high school students to pursue careers in the construction industry, Polk Mechanical Company partnered with TEXO to offer entry level construction jobs and scholarships to graduating students at MacArthur High School. Contractors from North and East Texas invested about $16,000 per student over the next four years to ensure that the recipients gain the skills and training required to have successful careers in construction. As a partner with TEXO’s scholarship and job program, Polk is investing in the futures of high school students and making jobs more accessible to younger generations, who otherwise might not consider careers in construction.
Polk employees James Sims and Jeremiah Click met with students in the Architecture/Construction/Engineering (ACE) Academy at MacArthur High School to talk to them about the need for skilled workers to fill construction positions in Texas. After conducting interviews with interested candidates, they extended entry level construction job offers. The Students who accepted job offers were honored at TEXO’s Signing Day, a day dedicated to celebrating those who chose to learn valuable skills at trade and technical schools after high school.
Polk Mechanical is dedicated to securing a bright future for the Texas construction industry and for our employees. By providing students with opportunities to learn valuable skills, we are helping build a skilled workforce that will ensure that our company and industry continues to grow and thrive.
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