
LAST YEAR during our family vacation to Colorado Springs, we had the opportunity to ride the cog wheel train to the summit of Pikes Peak. As I stood on top of the mountain and looked out at the horizon, you could see so far in all directions that you could see 5 other states and many other mountain ranges. In that moment I was reminded of a quote:

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” —Michelangelo

IT IS HARD TO BELIEVE that just a few short years ago we thought reaching the corporate goals we had set for ourselves would be an impossible challenge and yet we ended FY 2016 at the peak having accomplished a new personal best record for our company. In FY 2016 we grew our revenues over 34% to $103M – up from $77M in 2015.

This experience inspired me to set


as our theme for FY 2017.

At the top, the views are incredible and represent endless possibilities. FY 2016 was just one mountain of many mountain ranges we have yet to conquer and FY 2017 will be the start of our next adventure.



Fran McCann, President/CEO