
Hey Polk Nation,

On this Veterans Day, let’s take a moment to honor those Americans who served our country in the past, as well as those who continue to serve today. Whether it was during a time of war or peace, their sacrifice is the reason that we have many of the freedoms that we enjoy today. We extend a Happy Veterans Day to all veterans and families of veterans in #PolkNation. Thank you for all that you do!

With that being said, Veterans Day is a federal holiday that is observed by banks, which will not be open today. Therefore, although we do not know for certain, it is possible that the payroll direct deposits that are customarily received on Thursday may not arrive until Friday because of this holiday. If your deposit does not show in your account tomorrow, it will appear on Friday.

Thank you, #PolkNation, for your understanding and for all that you do!

Barry Duncan, CFO