
Core Ideology
coreideology_purpose coreideology_polklogoOur reason for existence beyond making money.

At Polk we recognize the importance of the work we do. The importance to our customers, our employees, and by extension to all of the people whose lives our work enhances.

coreideology_values coreideology_valueslogoWhat we care most about.

Values put into action become guiding principlescoreideology_principles

cflPolk Mechanical views every customer through the lens of not one project, but a lifetime of projects. We do whatever it takes to make our customer’s life easier and earn their confidence. Whether it is the timely way we handle paperwork or the way we treat them when they are in a difficult situation. We apply this principle to both internal and external customers.

Do the right thingThese four simple words are the easiest of the principles to understand, but often the most difficult to live up to. Doing the right thing often involves making difficult decisions, some with unpleasant consequences. But the rewards are great when we capture the trust and loyalty of our partners who know we are committed to finding the appropriate balance between what is best for our employees, our customers and our company.

Count on UsThis principle captures the tenacity and commitment of Polk’s employees. Often with the extreme personal sacrifice of time and energy, our employees continue to meet the most demanding needs of our customers. We come through when you need it the most.

Make it SafeConveys a commitment and obligation from the top to the bottom of our company to be vigilant, proactively recognizing and eliminating at risk behaviors and conditions. We are all trained, coached and empowered to look out for ourselves and our fellow employees, given full authority to stop unsafe work. A true collective effort about caring for each other.